WorldRover FAQ

Privacy Policy:
You can find our complete policy by clicking here.

Copyright Information:
All of the style, html, and original graphics are copyrighted by and may not be used without express written permission. Much of the factual information comes from government sources. This information is free and in the public domain. You should go to a particular government site for more detailed usage information.

Accuracy of Information:
Every effort is made to ensure that the information presented on is accurate and current. However, the user of the information does so at their own risk. We strongly suggest that you go to the original source of the information if you are using the information presented on this site for anything other than entertatinment purposes.

Editorial Comments:
Any editorial comments made on will be clearly noted as such. We have attempted to present the information as is. WorldRover has in no way intended to make judgements about, or comment on any country or political situaton.

Use of Site
Use of this site is done so at your own risk. WorldRover is in no way liable for any damages incurred as a result of visiting this site.

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